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物竞天择是如何发挥作用的? 2011-07-11

  What’s Natural Selection and how it works? E.g. does natural selection refer to a group of random process? How does natural selection work on human beings? Does this process against emotions and cultures evolved in human and broader animal communities? Does natural selection only work on physical or it also work on mental as well?


  Natural selection is a process that may lead to the origin of new species. It requires that there is competition for resources, variation in the attributes of individuals of a particular species, and heritability of those attributes from generation to generation.


  It is the genes possessed by an individual that largely determine its particular attributes and also allow most of these attributes to be passed on to its offspring. An animal’s particular attributes will determine its ability to successfully mate and have offspring in its local environment (its “fitness”). As there is variation in attributes between individuals, the “fittest” individuals will pass on more genes to the next generation than others. As the process is determined by the interaction of organisms and their environment it is not strictly random. However, chance events, such as asteroid impact can radically alter the environment and thus change which individuals are best adapted to pass on their genes, and thus the fittest. The process does not require divine intervention to operate.


  For the past few hundred years humans have been under reduced natural selection because after advances in sanitation, plumbing, and some aspects of medicine they have a lot of power over their own environment. Most individuals have the opportunity to have children. Nevertheless, a clear example of natural selection operating in humans is the higher frequency of sickle cell anaemia in geographic areas with malaria. Sickle cell anaemia fully expressed is very disadvantageous but individuals with the genes from only one parent have protection from malaria which is potentially more lethal.


  It has been argued that “ideas” and “culture” are subject to a process similar to natural selection. This is because there is variation between ideas, competition between ideas and ideas can be passed on from one generation to the next by word of mouth, writing, or audio and visual media. 一直以来,人们都在争辩,“思想观念”和“文化”是否被某个类似物竞天择的过程所支配。因为思想观念之间存在差异、不同的思想观念之间存在竞争,并且思想观念还可以通过口口相传、书面文字或者音频视频媒体传递给下一代。


  Marc is currently a BBSRC postdoctoral researcher at UCL, University College London, UK. His research focuses mainly on skull mechanics and feeding apparatus in reptiles such as the New Zealandtuatara (Sphenodon). However, he has a wide variety of interests including the evolution and diversification of modern amphibians such as frogs, statistical shape analysis, the biogeography of southern continents, and imaging specimen data. As well as carrying out research Marc occasionally teaches zoology and human anatomy. In his spare time he enjoys films, art galleries and life drawing. He is a native Welsh speaker. See: http://www.cdb.ucl.ac.uk/research/evans/jones.shtml


  (本文来源:网易探索 作者:马克·琼斯)



本文来自 家居装修知识网 物竞天择是如何发挥作用的? https://biud.com.cn/zhidao-view-id-88140.html